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Moni Ovadia  Mara Cantoni 
Published by: EINAUDI
Stile Libero Series
Year of publication: 2000
ISBN 9788806152109
pages VII - 127
Euro 18,08




Ballata di fine millennio (2000) - (Ballad for the end of the millennium)

Book + CD

The book - Ballata di fine millennio. Original script from the show.

"The show intended to honor the great idealism born from Marxism and its people. The criminal violence of the gulag, Stalinism, all the errors, cannot cancel the ideals which made millions of men, intellectuals and workers, vibrate. Millions of beings who gave their life, not for Stalin, but for an idea of the world's possible redemption. These men's identity leaves us a fundamental moral lesson, which is miles away from the inheritance of mourning and devastation which is the only heritage left by Nazi-fascism".

Moni Ovadia

The CD

"Between a tango in the style of Gardel and a waltz by Leonard Cohen, to the Songs of Kurt Weill and Hanns Eisler, without forgetting the Spanish Civil War and the Warsaw ghetto, the songs in this show reignite the hopes and wounds of the century just past . Featuring arrangements by Carlo Boccadoro, Maurizio Dehò, Alfredo Lacosegliaz, Gian Pietro Marazza. The TheaterOrchestra plays and Moni Ovadia and Lee Colbert do the singing, with the participation of Mara Cantoni and Elena Sardi." (fonte:www.einaudi.it)



Il conto dell’ultima cena

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