Es_IZ_A_-frammenti-1 © Photo: Luca D'Agostino

Es Iz Amerike! Cosa ci vuoi fare è l'America! - Text fragments

A famous song from the Jewish repertoire says:

"In America I thought I'd become a rabbi, I even grew a magnificent beard and two ritual ringlets. But as soon as I took a look around me, I saw it wasn't worth it and shaved and cut my ringlets off, because here in Amerca Jews look just like the non-Jews. What can you do, this is America! A strange country, here ringlets are worn by girls. Men shave and women grow beards in America! Back home, in Europe, one marries very young, and then, after exactly one year, the first baby arrives. In America it's different, people take their time. First they have their babies, then they get married. It's a question of saving money, they get married on the same day their son is circumcised! What can you do, this is America! (...)


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