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Moni Ovadia
Published by: Bompiani
I Lemuri Series
Year of publication: 2006
ISBN 9788845255991
pages 95
Euro 6,06

Perchè no? L'ebreo corrosivo (2006) - (Why not? The corrosive Jew)

This book is based on a show performed all over Italy by Moni Ovadia. Minstrel, philosopher, poet, singer, mystic, custodian of Jewish tradition, especially Hassidic: Moni Ovadia is all this and more. He is also, fundamentally, a humorist, with the meaning this word has come to have in the Jewish culture of the diaspora. The title "Why not?" is already a joke in itself: to the Gentile who asks "Why do you Jews always answer a question with another question?", the Jew replies: "Why not?". Ovadia affirms that "the Jewish language is always suspended on the interrogative". In fact, a question "opens the discourse towards the future, launching it in that direction". (http://www.ibs.it)




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